ᐈ Paella a domicilio l La Paella en Casa


The General Conditions that regulate the contractual relation by which the User acquires the products or services of the store of La Paella en Casa makes its available in the URL have been elaborated in accordance with the established in the Law 34/2002, of Services of the Society of the Information and Electronic Commerce, the Law 7/1998 on General Conditions of Contracting, the Royal Decree 1906/1999 by which the Telephonic or Electronic Contracting with general conditions is regulated in development of article 5. 3 of the Law 7/1998, the Law 26/1984 General for the Defense of the Consumers and Users, the Law 7/1996 of Arrangement of the Retail Trade, the Royal Decree-Law 14/1999 regulating the Electronic Signature and as many legal dispositions turn out to be of application.

La Paella en Casa under the company Comida a Domicilio VEO S.L, registered in Registro Mercantil de Madrid CIF B16944126 and domiciled at Avenida General Perón Planta, 4, 28020, Madrid, Madrid whose activity is home delivery of food, for which it has the means and authorizations necessary for that purpose.

The User who contracts will also have to accept the conditions that may be established for the product or service object of the sale. The user that acquires products in the store La Paella en Casa, admits to have read the present Conditions of Contracting and expresses his full adhesion and without reserves to each and every one of them.

The conditions here described will be able to undergo modifications at any time at the request of La Paella en Casa. These modifications will be reflected in this document, to which the user will be able to accede at any moment and of which it will be able to obtain physical copy by means of its impression.

Responsibility of the Buyer

The Buyer, any physical person who wishes to acquire a good of the store of La Paella en Casa and to receive it in a prefixed destiny, in exchange for the economic considerations that in each case are established, is responsible for all the data and manifestations that he includes in the forms of the store of La Paella en Casa, as well as of the content of any other communication that he emits. The user will respond of the veracity of the facilitated data, reserving to La Paella en Casa the right to exclude of the registered services to all user that has facilitated false data, without damage of the other actions that proceed in right. The user will be absolutely responsible for the use that makes of the acquired product, exonerating La Paella en Casa of the responsibility derived from any damage that could cause any correct or incorrect use of that product.

Before contracting, the user must check the characteristics of the product, its price, applicable taxes and functionalities. By means of the shipment of the corresponding contracting form, the user accepts the conditions of registry and contracting here exposed and promises to respect the use and the prohibitions established in the same ones.

The fact that the user completes the form does not imply the automatic acceptance of La Paella en Casa of the above mentioned order, but it will be understood that he accepts it when La Paella en Casa sends him an e-mail of acknowledgement of the request, after the payment corresponding to the product or acquired service. The user accepts that, if his data of payment do not allow the collection on the part of La Paella en Casa, the product or service requested will not be granted to him. The user agrees to pay the price of the product and to use it in accordance with the law and these conditions.

They will only be able to contract the physical people older than 18 years, in their own name and right, or in the one of the legal person to which it represents with enough power.

La Paella en Casa reserves the right to cancel an order for failure in the supply of the supplier, La Paella en Casa will proceed to refund the user’s payment by the same method of payment.

System of Purchase.

The products and services offered in the store La Paella en Casa, together with their characteristics, utilities, images and price will appear on screen. The prices indicated on screen appear in Euros and will include the taxes that are of application at every moment, the cost of the transport and any other tax that was of application at the moment, except typographical error. The offers will be duly indicated on the screen. La Paella en Casa reserves the right to choose at any time the products and services offered to users through the store La Paella en Casa reserves the right to stop providing access, at any time and without notice, any of the products offered in the store La Paella en Casa. For the acquisition of the products in the store La Paella en Casa, will request the user to register, for which the user must complete the instructions that appear on the screen, as well as any others that are included in the store La Paella en Casa. The user must proceed to the complete completion of the registration form (if it had not been previously completed for any of the services of the store of La Paella en Casa). The User’s Name and the Password facilitated by the user to La Paella en Casa are identifying and enabling elements to accede and to carry out the purchases and they have personal, nontransferable and modifiable character.

Once registered the user, and to proceed with the purchase of products or services, you must select the product you wish to purchase according to the indications collected on screen, completing for this purpose the order form provided and validating it, which implies the reading and irrevocable acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions, as well as the conditions applicable to the product object of the sale.

Once the purchase has been made, and in the shortest possible time, La Paella en Casa will send by e-mail to the user a confirmation of the order. The confirmation of the order will not be valid as an invoice. The prices of purchase will be those in force at the moment in which the order is realized. The expenses of shipment are calculated at the moment of proceeding to realize the order and are based on the units that are wished to buy and the weight of the same ones. The user will be able to know at any time prior to purchase the amount of shipping costs. Shipping rates may vary without prior notice.

La Paella en Casa reserves the right to cancel the user’s name and password and therefore the access to the store La Paella en Casa to those users who maintain debit balances or unpaid with La Paella en Casa.

Responsibility of La Paella en Casa

La Paella en Casa commits itself to put in the store of La Paella en Casa at the disposal of the User, the necessary information relative to the products that it offers and the conditions of contracting.

The contents and services may evolve and La Paella en Casa reserves the right to change the brand, logo, domain name La Paella en Casa, presentation and any elements it deems appropriate in relation to its products. The user accepts that the access to the store La Paella en Casa, the content and the service of the above mentioned site is the existing one in every moment.

La Paella en Casa will manage with the different companies of transport the delivery of the product so that this one is carried out in normal conditions in the terms established according to the chosen form of shipment, counting from the date in which the payment of the order has been received. Nevertheless, the user recognizes and accepts that different external conditions will be able to alter these terms.

La Paella en Casa will be able to contract or to collaborate with subcontractors or to yield the contracts formalized to third entities, to carry out the supply of the totality or part of the products to which it is committed by virtue to the different operations that are formalized according to the established thing in the present document.

La Paella en Casa will not respond of the availability and correct continuity of the operation of the product and of the damages and damages of any type that could be caused to the users by the interruption, termination or dysfunction of the service, by causes not attributable to La Paella en Casa Also, La Paella en Casa will not respond by the bad use, installation or treatment of the product made by the user or a third party not following the indicated instructions.

La Paella en Casa requires its suppliers to comply with European regulations. In this sense, La Paella en Casa is not responsible for personal and/or material damages derived from the use of the product. Likewise, La Paella en Casa is not responsible for personal or material damages that occur as a result of a manufacturing defect or improper use of the product.

In accordance with the Civil Code and other applicable regulations, the manufacturer will be directly responsible for its characteristics, defects or hidden defects and its quality. La Paella en Casa will only respond for any of these circumstances if the mentioned defects or irregularities were due to some fraudulent, guilty or negligent act of La Paella en Casa.

La Paella en Casa will not be liable for the depletion of the stock of any product.

In any case, the responsibility that could be demandable La Paella en Casa will be limited to the price of the product acquired by the user.

La Paella en Casa reserves the right to withdraw immediately the access to the service and to the store La Paella en Casa to those users that to criterion of La Paella en Casa contravene the arranged thing in the present conditions, without possibility of refund in case of having made the payment.

Concretely, La Paella en Casa will be able to annul the hiring:

a.- When the access is used for illegitimate purposes, including those listed in this contract and in the legal notice of La Paella en Casa store.

b.- When the billing information provided in the contracting process is erroneous or makes it impossible to invoice and/or charge the contracted service.

c.- In case of fraudulent use of the product or contrary to good faith.


The price includes VAT, and other applicable taxes where appropriate, in accordance with current regulations. The PVP does not include shipping costs.

The payment of the price of the purchased goods and the shipping costs that will appear on the screen, can be made by credit/debit card, in accordance with the means of payment that are indicated on the screen at all times. Cash on delivery payment is not allowed.

To proceed to the payment, the user will have to follow each and every one of the instructions that appear in screen, providing the following information: a) NUMBER of card; b) Date of expiration; c) The Code of Verification (CVV), d) As well as any other that is demanded in screen like system of electronic payment.

La Paella en Casa has installed a secure payment gateway with BANK NAME. All data provided for this purpose are encrypted to ensure maximum security of the same. They are hosted on a secure server certified according to the SSL protocol.

In the case of payment with credit/debit cards La Paella en Casa will never store the information referring to the same ones, being realized all the operations of validation of the above mentioned cards directly with the issuing bank.

Visa and Master Card have developed a system to make secure payments on the Internet. The system of Secure Electronic Commerce is based on that the Issuer of the card (bank or savings bank) identifies the holder of the same one before authorizing the payment by Internet.

La Paella en Casa is adhered to this security protocol so that, once you have selected the product to buy and entered your card number, a window of the Issuer opens and asks for your identification, showing one of the following icons:

Your card details and password are protected by this security system from the moment they are entered.

Once the identification is completed, the Issuer communicates to La Paella en Casa that the purchase is being made by the cardholder, so that the cardholder can complete the process. If the identification has not been satisfactory, the Issuer informs La Paella en Casa to proceed accordingly.

This window is out of the control of La Paella en Casa, being the responsibility of the Issuer any incident that may arise with the same, and you should contact this entity if you find yourself in this situation.

In order to guarantee the greatest security to our clients, La Paella en Casa reserves the right to request the documents corresponding to the identity and means of payment of the user, prior to the delivery of the order.

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